Fandom is family.
That’s true across the board in many ways; in the case of fans of the Kushiel’s Legacy series, maybe even more so. There’s a particular kind of intimacy to the books, and you have to be an eclectic reader to fall in love with them—you have to enjoy intrigue and pageantry and eroticism and adventure and epic battle scenes. And readers who connect with all those elements tend to connect with each other in a truly special way.
This January will mark the third annual Longest Night Midwinter Masque, in which fans from far-flung places will gather and celebrate. (And yes, yes, I know it’s taking place a few weeks after the actual longest night of the year, but travel around the holidays is difficult for a lot of people, including me.)
I don’t know the specific details of what’s on the agenda yet—elaborate events are works in progress—but I have no doubt it’s going to be awesome. Previous years have featured an opulent blend of live music, tumbling, belly dancing, gambling, fortune-telling, henna tattoos, custom-distilled joie and a midnight reenactment of the ritual of the Winter Queen and the Sun Prince—in short, pretty much every kind of revelry you might hope to find in the Thirteen Houses of the Night Court.
I’ll be there to sign your books; I’ll also be there to kick off my shoes and join you on the dance floor. If you’ve attended this event before, you already know this. But if you haven’t, do know that you have a warm and wonderful family looking forward to welcoming you as they bring Terre d’Ange alive for a night.
~Jacqueline Carey, Author of the Kushiel’s Legacy series and Guest of Honor