Are you a painter or sculptor worthy of Eglantine house? A chef or baker fit for a Palace feast? Perhaps you’re known for your detailed drawings, intricate needlework, or papier-mâché.
Whatever your medium, we invite you submit your original Kushiel’s Legacy and Naamah themed artwork for display on the Longest Night Midwinter Masque website.
Please email a high resolution digital image of your artwork to with the subject “Fan Art Submission” and your name. Please include the title, the medium used, and any other information you would like referenced. We will publish all works with a watermark of the artist’s name.
We look forward to seeing all of your creative endeavors and sharing them with the community. If you have any questions please, as always, direct them to
A note on tattoos/marques: We will be looking for photos of your Kushiel’s Legacy tattoos and marques later in the summer. If you are a professional tattoo artist, we welcome your original designs at this time, but we encourage those who have made their marques (or are in the process!) to save that artwork for later.
Please note that you may only submit your own original artwork.
We are happy to announce that Taylor Gallagher has won a free copy of Jacqueline Carey’s newest book, Starless! Congratulations, Taylor!