Terre d’Ange Tabletop Roleplaying Game

A group of creative individuals got together and started a roleplaying game based on the Dungeons & Dragons/Pathfinder gaming system, set in the world of Terre d’Ange, complete with its own Longest Night Midwinter Masque.  Join us in January to meet the players involved!

Dramatis Personae:

Odilia nό Dahlia – she is the figure who gives out missions to the party, also the Consort to the King and Sovereign Duchesse of Siovale.  Born to a jeweller off Rue Courcel, Dahlia House raised her from nothing to an esteemed courtesan, and Gustav de la Courcel, then Crown Prince, elevated her to his Royal Consort and gifted her with the Duchy of Perigeux.  There is no one that doesn’t know Odilia is the power behind the throne and the most powerful woman, if not person, in the country.

Eirini nό Gentian – a fully fledged courtesan of Gentian with aspirations to teach at the University of Occult Studies, has been having visions of danger lately.  She has some healing ability and tries to take care of the rest of the party when she can.

Rosanna nό Valerian – the youngest in a huge Eisandine noble family but the first to make a career in Mont Nuit. With her marque recently completed she hopes to continue rising in the ranks of her house, being considered for Second. This is slightly complicated as it happens that she’s gone and fallen in love with a foreign prince. In assisting the party she uses her noble & Night Court statues to move in social circles others cannot to obtain vital information.

Joss Verreuil – the grandnephew of Josceline Verreuil. Follows in his uncle’s footsteps more than the rest of his family would hope. As the second son, he was sent away to the Cassillines at age 10 and grew up there. Through a series of misadventures was declared anathema. Currently working as a mercenary bodyguard for Lucas and the only responsible adult in the household. He aims to try to increase his family’s status more than it already has been and has a few…. Personal goals.

Lord Lucas Maignard – the last hope of a disgraced house. Through his shrewd and cunning plans, his family had been raised from being lowly chicken farmers back to noble status. Despite the stain on his house’s honor still present from Shahrizai machinations, Lucas carries himself with the pride befitting a man of a much higher station – a station he has his eyes set on.  Makes a really good omelet.

Shelta of the Lautari – an exiled didikani with a penchant for endearing herself to those in power. Her many skills that have allowed her access to the highest and lowest levels of d’Angeline society. She has embraced her d’Angeline heritage and holds a respected position among the Tsingani within the City of Elua. But it is a all a means to an end, a quest for her mysterious d’Angeline mother.

Ansgar the Spear – a boisterous Skaldi warrior.  He is currently employed by Lucas, and enjoys good food, strong drink, and interesting company.

Niklos Shahrizai – a scion of the noble Shahrizai family. Niklos is idle rich… he’s spent family money on attending the University in Tiberium and traveling to most of Terre d’Ange’s neighbors. He’s also a bit of a troublemaker, having been asked to leave the University due to his taking an interest in (and mastering a skill in) forgery. He enjoys playing the vapid lordling, but behind his icy blue eyes is a calculating mind and a person ready to move into the more serious political machinations that various members of his family have been known for.


Player Perspectives:

The Dungeon Master/Odilia nό Dahlia

I had never DMed a D&D campaign before I was asked to run this Kushiel game.  I had played plenty of D&D and Pathfinder, I was familiar with the mechanics, and I’m an excellent storyteller so I agreed as a challenge, never expecting to get as wrapped up in this beautiful world as I did.  I read the first trilogy and loved the vibrant, voracious, violent world that Jacqueline Carey created.  The alternate history with the beautiful pantheons of gods that hadn’t been crushed by Christianity was to tantalizing, it was a breath of fresh air for what could have been, and a delightful fantasy to escape to.  And suddenly my friends were asking me to take them through the next adventure in Terre d’Ange.  I was scared.  Would they like the story I told?  Would what I created for them fit inside the Terre d’Ange that Jacqueline had created?  Would I do Terre d’Ange justice?

Amid all of those questions, I remembered what D&D is all about – having fun.  I had forgotten the most important thing about playing tabletop with friends – it didn’t need to be perfect so long as everyone had fun.  And we have had so much fun over these months.  Yes, real world gets in the way, and we can only get together for one session a month, but I look forward to that session every single time because I know we are crafting an adventure together that isn’t just what I want to do, but what we all collaborate on because it is our story as much as it is anyone else’s.

We have taken the beautiful, amazing foundation that Carey gave us in her books, found ourselves within the gorgeous tapestry she has woven, and carried it on ourselves, doing it justice in our own way, and never ever forgetting to have fun.

Even when some players decide to run off in the wrong direction, forget the stakes, and end up asking me why I burned the Temple of Naamah.  I didn’t.  You just weren’t there to stop the people who obviously did.

Eirini nό Gentian

The Terre d’Ange setting was a part of the game from the beginning.  I heard from a friend that he was involved in a campaign based on the books, and when I told two of my friends, we were immediately in agreement that we should run a campaign in the realm ourselves.  I think we all saw ourselves in the books in different ways, and getting the chance to explore that further was something we all jumped at.

For me, this game is a chance to explore some of what draws me in about this world.  I love the idea of sex as something to be revered, something that can be a positive interaction that is profoundly meaningful even in casual encounters.  I think connection with people is something that helps us learn more about ourselves and the world, and having a place where physical intimacy is valued as a human need, one that should be honored and expressed in whatever way seems fitting, is powerful.

I’m the Gentian Dowayne for the Masque, and a Gentian courtesan in our game.  I love the mysticism of Gentian and the way it connects sexual energy with a sense of otherworldliness and self-knowledge.  Sex is something both profoundly physical and profoundly spiritual, and roleplaying this character gives me the chance to imagine the way that understanding the importance of a sacred sexuality can change the world.

Rosanna nό Valerian

The Kushiel series were the first fantasy books in a long time that I just couldn’t put down, finishing one right after the other in a short period of time. I found myself drawn to not only the Night Court, but the various religious practices described therein. The holy precept in Terre d’Ange, love as thou wilt, was such a beautiful tenant that put words to many aspects of my own life. But getting to step into a character who lived by that creed, as well as taking it to a higher plane through deep seeded faith, that was a very tempting offer.

Like one of the other players, I am a Dowayne in the annual masque. My character, Rosanna nό Valerian, is devoted to her profession and her religion. Assignations to her are an act of devotion, her patrons being her own connection to the divine. In playing her, I have the chance to navigate a path which is new, challenging, and thought provoking. Valerian House provides a safe space to yield to desires many can’t or won’t understand, in progressing through the game I’ve been able to analyze and assess certain facets of my own inclinations. Such self-inspection so far has yielded positive results, and honestly I’ve felt more confident since starting the game.


Web links:


This is a tumblr page created for an English Lit project based on the game.  It features several of our players discussing what their characters mean to them, and pictures of the game in progress.


This page chronicles the adventures of the D&D characters.  This page is updated with events from the game, background on the story, and updates from the Masque.  It is a great way to follow along with the adventures as they unfold.

What Dahlia House Means to Us

From Jocaste nó Dahlia, Dowayne of House Dahlia:

You don’t choose Dahlia House. It chooses you. It chooses you because you have a spine of steel, under those soft curves of flesh. It chooses you because you trust none except your own counsel. It chooses you because you have the stamina and worth to rise above. You merely bend when others might break. It chooses you because you command respect, inspire honesty and encourage reverence. You are a king, a queen, the sensual ruler of a sexual empire; only the strongest of Elua’s children can endure and truly savor the life of a Dahlia.

I wasn’t meant to be Dahlia. I was meant for either Gentian or Balm even with my Jasmine and Valerian qualities. I wasn’t meant to be proud, in the spotlight, glamorously haughty or aloof. I was meant to be accessible, transparent, gloriously spiritually open and available. More than anything Gentian and Balm both called to my deep sense of selfless service.

But Dahlia called to me because I have always been called to be a leader – a role I naturally volunteer for even if I eschew recognition for it. I didn’t want to be a leader of Balm adepts, so focused on a singular role. Nor did I want to lead Gentian in the deepening of their craft.

No, I wanted to lead leaders. I wanted to be a leader who could teach others how to lead. How to stand above the pettiness below them. How to charge forth with a plan that ensures others follow. To understand, to discern, to heal, to guard and Love your realm well.

To do so, a Dahlia has to master the several languages and canons of Naamah’s arts. Dahlias know better than most how to show the various facets of Naamah in order to lead and inspire the hearts of those who we choose to invite into our bedchambers. To be a Queen is to represent the highest of who we are, including the many faces of Naamah’s arts.

We have to be:

As sensual as Jasmine

As delicately strong as Cereus

As commanding as Mandrake

As devoted as Heliotrope

As daring as Byrony

As masterful as Eglantine

Yet, our hearts might better align with Orchis, Alyssum, Gentian or Valerian. Only those we choose to trust may see who we really are behind the regal facade, a rare gift for any Dahlia to bestow upon a patron, friend or lover.

Only the most privileged, the most modest, the most daring of patrons may enter our chateau – no one is guaranteed a private audience, but all may come to share in the luxurious revelry of our sumptuous courtyard and lounges. To mingle with Dahlias and their chosen consorts is often what our patrons love most. We do not depend on patronage, we inspire it. Dahlia desire is fueled by the more rare a patron’s gift is – whether that be the gift of their submission or dominance or the precious jewels flowing from their pockets.

Our attention is the gift we share in return.

From Odilia nó Dahlia, the Second of House Dahlia:

Upright and Unbending, Dahlia adepts are Queens and the bedroom is our kingdom.  To enter Dahlia House is to trespass upon a sovereign kingdom and come face to face with a council of sovereigns expectantly waiting for worship and fealty, if only for a night.  In this, Dahlia and Mandrake have a kinship.  What Dahlia does not provide in pain, it certainly provides in power.  To come face to face with a Dahlia is to come face to face with royalty, where the expected tribute is pleasure, and it is an honour to be permitted within the sovereign’s bed.  A night with a Dahlia is a gift and no patron is selected who does not understand, who is not inspired, and who does not worship what is offered.

I was born to be a Dahlia and I knew it.  Haughtiness came easy, elegance was second-nature, and cool composure was as easy as breathing.  Even leading was simple and natural.  But my struggle with my Dahlia identity is my duty as a queen to love all the subjects who come to my throne.  Naamah bestowed herself like a queen when she lay with the King of Persis; that is the easy part.  But Naamah loved each and every one of her patrons with her entire being, body and soul.  It is easy to be haughty when you consider yourself better than all the rest.  The Dahlia struggle is the struggle to find humility and willingly give your gifts in order to earn the worship of the patron.

The Origins of the Longest Night Midwinter Masque

“Did you ever experience an event in a book that was described so beautifully that you wanted to actually live it even just once? That’s exactly what happened to me when I read about the Longest Night masque in Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey. As I continued reading the series and more masques were presented, it impressed upon me even further that I wanted to be part of a masque. I didn’t want to attend a modern-day masquerade ball, which should really be called a gala or formal. I wanted the period costumes, the attendees portraying characters and wearing masks.

“So, for a few years I watched social media and Jacqueline Carey’s website in hopes that I would learn of a masque that I could attend to make my fantasy a reality. I saw other people searching for the same thing but it didn’t seem to exist outside of our beloved books. Eventually, I realized that if I really wanted to attend a Longest Night masque, I had to make it happen myself. I posted online to see if the Kushiel community had any interest in attending a real-life masque. So many people responded positively, and my post was even shared by Jacqueline Carey herself, that I was feeling like this would be a success. I contacted Jacqueline Carey to ask if she would be willing and able to be part of the event. With her blessing, I decided to go for it.

“I am fortunate enough to be the Fundraising Chairperson for Petapalooza PA. Bitsy McCann, the Executive Director, was very supportive when I pitched my off-the-wall idea as a fundraising event. This allowed me to combine two things I was passionate about and even have my fantasy event benefit the many animals in need throughout Central Pennsylvania. It was a win-win in my brain.

“And so it began, I was planning a major event with my favorite author as the guest of honor and our Queen! I’ve planned weddings as well as created small dances and other fundraising events but I had no idea how to plan something this big. But I’m a deep end of the pool kind of girl and I learned as I went along. I selected the venue and met with their event planners. They could give me tips on general event planning but couldn’t truly understand what I was talking about without having read the book. I had a vision to recreate the Longest Night masque to the best of my abilities so that attendees would feel like they were living what they had only read and dreamed about before. I wound up with a checklist of 83 tasks to complete within 6 months! Once the website went live and tickets were being purchased, I was excited every day to see that people were going to come! I ran up to my husband and put my phone in his face the day that two tickets were purchased by people in the UK, screaming in my excitement that this is an international event now!!!!!! I was a lunatic but we all have our own special brand of crazy, right?

“I am very blessed to have talented friends who helped bring my vision to life. They were willing to volunteer their time and expertise in areas that I didn’t have any knowledge of and certainly didn’t have time to learn. Kim Hill created and maintained the amazing website that allowed me to start selling tickets for the event. Emily from EG Photography offered to set up a photo booth and take “prom pictures” of anyone who wanted gorgeous photos of their costumes and friends. Emily also introduced me to Brett Zwerdling from Maharal who was willing to perform live music during the night. He even let us borrow his sound system which was awesome. Bitsy Plus Design created the beautiful flyer and social media graphics. Ruth Koup guided me as my mentor when I was unsure which direction to go in next. She gave support and helpful tips when I felt stuck and generously offered to host a private brunch in her home with Jacqueline Carey and a few special guests the morning of the event. And last but certainly not least, my husband and friends helped me whenever I needed it. I could not have pulled off the masque without all of their efforts.

“I’ve got to say that the masque was the best outside the box idea I’ve had so far in life. I got to spend time with and have personal conversations with my favorite author. Jacqueline did ask me what possessed me to undertake such an endeavor. My answer my simple, I wanted to experience this and creating it myself was the only option I could see. I now have friends all over the country, Canada and the UK. Because of the friendships that were created that special night, I created private Facebook group for our family so we could keep in touch with each other and I look forward to partying with everyone in January!

“Now, we just need enough money to buy our own small country to create Nouveau Terre d’Ange where we can all live in a community that is 100% made up of misfit toys and that’s perfect for us!”

~Kalisa Shahrizai, coordinator of the First and Second Longest Night Midwinter Masque

Call for Dowaynes!

Now is a great time to think about which House feels right to you.  Are you artist? Then Eglantine is the place for you. Love to laugh? Orchis could be your House.  If you want to join a House, email info@thelongestnightmasque.com and let us know what House feels like home.  We will put you in touch with your Dowayne, or you can be the Dowayne.

Are you interested in being a Dowayne or Second for your House?  Be sure to check out the Court of the Night Blooming Flowers page to see if the position is available.  If your House doesn’t have a Dowayne or Second listed, you can take that spot. Dowaynes are assigned a special email to coordinate any special House activities, costume planning, or social media groups. Just email info@thelongestnightmasque.com and let us know which House you would like to lead.


“I didn’t know what to expect of the event, but from previous contact via email I’d already had a sense of Jacqueline Carey the person. She is kind-hearted lady who makes time for her friends and fellow writers. Kindness can go a long way with me, I consider it one of the best qualities someone can show to a stranger. I’ve spent 30 years working with professional writers, and know they can be standoffish if they are stars. Maybe Ms. Carey is not aware that she is a superstar in our midst, for she was not that way at all. The event itself was entertaining, and it was good to see

Photo credit: EG Photography

so many people join in the fun, dressed in their creative costumes. My wife and I didn’t know anyone else there, but felt welcomed and part of the group.” ~  Admiral Rouse

“The first Masque I knew no one aside from Jacqueline [Carey]. As part of Jasmine House I decided to wear a traditional sari. Mine was yellow, red and gold. A wonderful group of Jasmine House friends coordinated and came as different constellations. Their saris were black and blue and full of stars and celestial beautiful (diamonds and glitter). They approached me and declared I was their sun. It was instant acceptance and an immediate bond. We danced the night away like old friends.” ~ Kristine Scalzi, Dowayne of Jasmine House

Maximize Your Masque Weekend

No one likes to go home after a vacation, certainly not one as exciting and entertaining as the Midwinter Masque weekend promises to be.  You’ve reserved your hotel room, you’ve bought your tokens (every event), now what?

Why not maximize your stay and make the most of your time in the Washington, D.C. area?  The capital city, itself, has more than enough to fill a lifetime’s worth of weekend jaunts, but Northern Virginia has its share of interesting places to visit while you’re here in January.

A few items of note, to pique your interest:Washington DC monuments

  • Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum Stephen F. Udvar-Hazy Center. Located in Chantilly, VA (approximately 20 minutes from the Hyatt Regency Fairfax), this museum is the “little sister” to the original Air & Space Museum on the National Mall in Washington.  In this treasure trove of aviation history, you can see everything from the Concorde, to the Enola Gay, to the Space Shuttle.
  • Reston Town Center Pavilion Ice Rink. Located approximately 15 minutes from the Hyatt Regency Fairfax, enjoy outdoor ice skating and then take advantage of post-holiday deals at the shops of the town center.
  • Mount Vernon. If you’re interested in American history, what better place to visit than George Washington’s home at Mount Vernon?  Through the first week of January, the estate is decked out in Christmas finery and guests can enjoy candlelit tours after dark.  The estate is located in Mt. Vernon, VA, approximately 30 minutes from the Hyatt Regency Fairfax.
  • Workhouse Arts Center. The former Lorton Correctional Facility now houses more than 100 working artists. Purchase one of a kind items, take a class, or enjoy one of the many special events that dot the center’s ever-full calendar.

Looking for additional activities or places of interest?  Check out the Visit Fairfax website for more ideas, special events, and monthly calendars.


Gentian House – Personalized Birth Charts

“Gentian House first drew me in through its imagery of mysticism. Simultaneously promising knowledge of ourselves and experience of the unknown spoke to me.” ~ Erini nó Gentian, Dowayne

Gentian brings together the spiritual and the sensual, the divine and the erotic in a way that we don’t often experience. I believe eroticism has the ability to engage parts of ourselves we have lost touch with, allowing for new self-knowledge and, hopefully, reconciliation.  We see this in the books when Phédre seeks resolution of her dreams at Gentian.

In honor of this year’s Longest Night Midwinter Masque, Gentian House is pleased to offer you the opportunity to purchase a personalized birth chart based on the western zodiac.  Birth charts go beyond a typical newspaper horoscope and delve into elements such as values, potential, and desires, and include the influences of planets and luminaries on your life.  Each birth chart bears the Gentian symbol and is completely unique to each person.  The charts are hand drawn by our very own astrologer, the Dowayne of Gentian in pen and ink on high quality, heavy vellum parchment and measure 11” x 17”.

Along with the hand drawn birth chart, you may also order one of two options for interpretation.  While the birth chart will display the positions of constellations, planets, and houses*, and call out significant placements such as sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign, the interpretations takes this further.  The first interpretation focuses on the day of your birth.  This option will discuss the relationships between planets, constellations, and luminaries, and give an overview of what they mean for you.  The second interpretation is a deeper exploration of the way these energies manifest in your life through their house position at the time of your birth.  This interpretation is a story of your birth as told by the heavens.

Star charts can show the energies at work at any given moment, and charts can be created for a wedding, graduation, or other landmark event.  If you choose to have a chart made for an event that is not a birth, please indicate so on your order.

These can also make a unique gift for birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion.  All proceeds go directly to the Masque, so this is a wonderful way to support the event.

Please include the following information when you place your order:

  • Date of birth
  • Time of birth
  • Place of birth

If you are ordering a chart for an event other than a birth, please specify this in your order to ensure accurate interpretation.

Pricing is as follows:

  • Personalized Birth Chart (no interpretation): $50.00
  • Personalized Birth Chart with Basic Interpretation: $65.00
  • Personalized Birth Chart with Full Interpretation: $75.00

Please email the Dowayne at gentian@thelongestnightmasque.com with your information to place your order.  The Dowayne will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have, as well as provide you with a sample chart.

House Alyssum: Modest Desires, Shared Secrets

Each House of the Court of Night Blooming Flowers derives its canon from an interpretation of Naamah’s experience with the King of Persis, whom she lay with to secure Blessed Elua’s freedom.  House Alyssum believes that she trembled to lay aside her modesty.  From this, Alyssum takes modesty as its canon, something very different from the other twelve Houses.  How does modesty play into the act of love?  Is modesty a bad thing?

We are told that patrons who enter Alyssum whisper their desires to the Second and are led to a room of adepts from which they may choose for their assignation.  When Imriel and Mavros visit House Alyssum on their quest to experience every House in the Night Court in Kushiel’s Justice, Imriel chooses an adept and she whispers to him all of her desires.

In Terre d’Ange, sexuality in all its myriad forms is not only accepted openly, but celebrated.  The religion of the d’Angelines is based on the precept of loving who and how one chooses.  Our world does not share these same ideals.  Sex and sexuality are complicated, often controversial matters in our society.  So we close our doors and pull our curtains as we seek to “love as thou wilt.”

And while we would seek to live in a society where love and pleasure in every form and act were celebrated, this does not mean we should reject the beauty and allure of Alyssum’s modesty.

Modesty can often come with one’s first sexual experience: two people, fumbling in the dark, embarrassed by their lack of knowledge.  A person who will only undress with the lights off, ashamed of and fearing the rejection of their physical self.  With time and experience, that modesty can be the doorway to bolder, more adventurous and open sexual experiences.  With trust and love, fear can give way to confidence and self-acceptance.  But not everyone chooses to give up their modesty.  Some prefer to keep the lights off, sharing their desires and physical selves quietly and secretly with only their partner in the privacy of the bedroom.

The lack of open, flaunted sexuality and lovemaking can create a special bond between two lovers – different from the loyalty of House Heliotrope – revealing one’s intimate desires and physical self indicates trust.  You are trusting your partner to accept you in whatever manner you desire, be it tender or sharp; you are safe with this person.  In the darkness, behind our closed doors and drawn curtains, we can reveal our secrets to someone we trust.  Lit only by the afterglow of our lovemaking, we are able to share our true selves.  The trust and sharing between two lovers is truly sacred.

Join Jacqueline Carey on the Night’s Doorstep

Will you come from Hellas, where the sea glitters like a jewel against white cliffs? Or from Menekhet, where the sands stretch into a glimmering haze at the horizon? Will you join us from the wintry slopes of Skaldia or the green, rocky isles of Alba? Or are you a mere carriage ride down the winding, cobblestone avenue of Mont Nuit?

Before you begin your journey home, join the renowned cheese and fruitKushiel’s Legacy author Jacqueline Carey, old comrades, and newfound friends for a parting meal. Our flirtatious and lively Tsingani neighbors have agreed to throw open the doors of Night’s Doorstep the morning after our masquerade! What better way to prepare for the long road ahead?

Brunch on the Night’s Doorstep will be held at the Hyatt Regency Fairfax on January 6th, 2019 from 8am – noon. You can reserve your spot by purchasing ticket here.

Friday Evening Private Reception with Jacqueline Carey

Whether you’ve only read Kushiel’s Dart or you’ve devoured every word she has ever written, you must admit that Jacqueline Carey is a brilliant woman.  She has created world after world and all of the myriad characters that inhabit them, from Phédre nό Delaunay de Montreve of Terre d’Ange to Daisy Johanssen of Pemwoket to the Princess Zariya of the Court of the Sun-Blessed.

Have you ever wanted to sit and chat with Ms. Carey?  Ask her a question or two?  Get her advice on the publishing industry?  Now you can!

Cereus House invites you to join us in our private salon – the Presidential Suite of the Hyatt Fairfax – for a private reception with Ms. Carey.  Enjoy fine wine and gourmet hors d’oeuvres as you socialize with our beloved author and a few other guests.

Tickets are extremely limited.  You don’t want to miss this special event. Claim your spot now!