Call for Art! + Winner of Starless Announced!

Are you a painter or sculptor worthy of Eglantine house? A chef or baker fit for a Palace feast? Perhaps you’re known for your detailed drawings, intricate needlework, or papier-mâché.

Whatever your medium, we invite you submit your original Kushiel’s Legacy and Naamah themed artwork for display on the Longest Night Midwinter Masque website.

Please email a high resolution digital image of your artwork to with the subject “Fan Art Submission” and your name. Please include the title, the medium used, and any other information you would like referenced.  We will publish all works with a watermark of the artist’s name.

We look forward to seeing all of your creative endeavors and sharing them with the community.  If you have any questions please, as always, direct them to

A note on tattoos/marques: We will be looking for photos of your Kushiel’s Legacy tattoos and marques later in the summer.  If you are a professional tattoo artist, we welcome your original designs at this time, but we encourage those who have made their marques (or are in the process!) to save that artwork for later.

Please note that you may only submit your own original artwork.



We are happy to announce that Taylor Gallagher has won a free copy of Jacqueline Carey’s newest book, Starless!  Congratulations, Taylor!

What Jasmine House Means To Us

From the Dowayne of Jasmine House

On this day, the longest day of the year, I begin my count down in earnest looking forward to the Longest Night Masque. As part of Jasmine House, it is all too easy to simply say, “for pleasures sake.” It speaks for itself because nothing is more sensual then pure pleasure. But pleasure is never “simply” for itself – it is a way to express ourselves, to announce ourselves, and in our way, to reveal ourselves to another person in the most intimate way possible. In that intimacy, we discover that the greatest pleasure of all is to give pleasure to another person. That is where true sensuality exists: in giving pure pleasure.

Lilliane nó Scalzi

From the Second of Jasmine House

Jasmine House and what it means to me is a vast and complex subject. It started off as a few hours on an online forum and evolved into a family that spans thousands of miles, with our loves, our disagreements, our successes and our tragedies.

The motto of Jasmine House, for pleasures sake, encompasses many different paths and passions. For me it comes down to one message: do what you love, because you love it, and to hell with everyone else.

Jasmine House is a home to those who feel they don’t quite fit in the other houses or who feel that several of the houses would suit them, those who don’t quite know which path calls the strongest. In Jasmine House every path to pleasure is accepted.

I count every day that I’ve known my Jasmine Sisters and Brothers as a blessing. They have touched my life and my heart more than I have ever been able to tell them.

Jadeh nó Jasmine

What’s Your Pronoun?

Gender, a term that originates from the same source as genre and genesis, is a wholly imagined construct. Protagoras, a pre-Socratic Sophist, is credited by Aristotle to have created the use of grammatical genders seen in romance languages. In the last fifty years, gender as a social construct has been explored in social sciences, drawing distinction from biological sex and even rejecting the notion of feminine and masculine as genders on either end of a spectrum.

Many cultures all over the world acknowledge Third Genders, like India’s hijras or the Native American muxe.  Although awareness of non-binary, gender neutral, and non-gendered identities grow in western countries, those outside traditional male/female gender roles are continually faced with discrimination, intolerance, and hatred.

As an inclusive community, the Longest Night Midwinter Masque honors Preferred Gender Pronouns (or PGP’s). With Pride Month in full swing, supporting gender pronoun conduct is a powerfully effective way to be an ally.

These pronouns continue to develop and information on them is slowly gaining traction, so we understand if these concepts are new to you. The following resources are a great way to learn more:

The Gender Reveal Podcast

Happy Pride Month to all and Love as thou Wilt!

What Valerian House Means to Us

From the Dowayne, Rosanna Baphinol nό Valerian:

 Were I to compile all that speaks to me of Valerian House, I could easily say this quote from Kushiel’s Dart would do nicely: That which yields is not always weak.”  

Of the thirteen houses of the Court of Night Blooming Flowers only two deal with pain, and as one of those who finds pain to be a kind of pleasure I am often confronted with misunderstanding. It is through the acceptance of such sharper delights that I find a certain sort of peace, just as Phédre does – with the right patrons. The adepts of Valerian House not only take pride in what they do, but they also challenge themselves with their art. That challenge manifests, for me, in the pushing of my own personal boundaries, in many aspects of life, from which I return stronger each time.

When I contemplate the motto, “I Yield,” I know that it is done with the knowledge that I am the one who gives it. At any moment the signalé can be used, and the power of the situation is truly revealed. To yield is a choice. Such devotion is a gift, allowing me the full control of whatever or whoever I deign to submit to. Valerians are delicate flowers with spines of iron. Let not the surface appearance dictate just how strong a person can be, you might be surprised what is hiding underneath.   


From the Second, Tryphosa Katseros nό Valerian:

Love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel. It is as inexorable as the tides, and life and death alike follow in its wake.” ~Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel’s Chosen

This quote more than anything embodies for me why Valerian is so important to me. While not about Valerian itself it speaks to the dichotomy of how we who belong to Valerian live. While seemingly soft and demure we revel in being challenged and brought to the edge and beyond of what we can stand. We love our patrons for the pain and cruelty they inflict on us and that love at times can be very hard, but in the end is worth it.

Another core of Valerian is trust. Without a solid core of trust there can be no yielding and without yielding those of Valerian do not achieve what we crave. Through the trust that is required I have learned much of myself and the many different aspects that make me who I am. The ability to give up all control and trust someone else so completely has shaped me into the person that I am. And this is a lesson that came hard and over a long period of time. I am thankful for the values of Valerian and how I can continually learn from them as I grow, yield, and trust in love.

Consent Culture

In Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Legacy and Naamah trilogies, it is explicitly stated, over and over, that any sexual or physical interaction without consent is heresy. Because all that Naamah did for Elua was done consensually, the courtesans of the Night Court and their patrons consider consent a holy part of their ideology. On their many travels, our heroes and heroines struggle with how cultural norms differ from the Precept of Elua that d’Angelines hold sacrosanct. This important theme is one of the major reasons these trilogies remain powerfully relevant today and will remain so for decades to come.  

What is consent culture? As a rebuttal to rape culture, consent culture is the normalization of consent and communication. We support the consent culture of Terre d’Ange and the international movement to normalize consent and communication in our present world.  

We believe rape and sexual assault victims/survivors should be believed and supported, not blamed or ignored. We believe every single person has the right to their bodily autonomy, which includes the right to not be hugged, tickled, or touched in any way without enthusiastic consent. We believe consent is not merely the absence of “no.” We believe that consent is unambiguous and free of coercion. We believe in vigorous self-education on unlearning rape culture and creating consent culture. We believe in consent advocacy.  

There are thousands of website, blogs, podcasts and books regarding consent culture. Here are a few jump starters for continued education: 

Ask: Building Consent Culture, edited by Kitty Stryker 

We Believe You: Survivors of Campus Sexual Assault Speak Out, by Annie E. Clark and Andrea L. Pino 

Yes Means Yes!: Visions of Female Sexual Power and A World Without Rape, by Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti 

I Never Called It Rape: The Ms. Report on Recognizing, Fighting, and Surviving Date and Acquaintance Rape, by Robin Warshaw 

I Have the Right To: A High School Survivor’s Story of Sexual Assault, Justice, and Hope, by Chessy Prout 

The Hunting Ground: The Inside Story of Sexual Assault on American College Campuses, by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering 

Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture-and What We Can Do about It, by Kate Harding 

Exit, Pursued by a Bear, by E.K. Johnston 

And, of course, Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Legacy and Naamah trilogies.  

Exciting Announcements ~ New Vendor & Hotel Reservation Info!

As Phédre nό Delaunay and Moirin mac Fainche traversed the world of Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Legacy and Naamah trilogies, they were adorned with gorgeous and unique jewelry at nearly every destination.  Now it’s your turn to wear fantastical adornments like the gifts of the Kore of Kriti, the Pharaoh of Menekhet, and the Queen of Terre d’Ange.

We are excited to announce the first vendor of the Third Annual Longest Night Midwinter Masque: Know Mee The Big Necklace Company!

Founded in 2015 by Rhiannon-Nadine C. Hinnant, this vendor produces extraordinary necklaces for those special occasions when a diaphanous piece simply won’t do.  Her jewelry is diverse, intricate, and eclectic.  These artistic Know Mee pieces are the perfect complement to any Midwinter Masque costume.

Make a statement! Visit to purchase yours today or skim for your favorite to pick up at the Masque! Want to track Hinnant’s new pieces or schedule a runway consultation? Follow Know Mee on Facebook or reach out to Hinnant directly!

ALSO, information on how to reserve your hotel room is now available!

You can book your reservation online by using this portal: OR, call the Passkey Reservations team via 888.421.1442. Be sure to mention you are attending the Longest Night Midwinter Masque!

Stay tuned! More exciting announcements to follow.

Concevoir votre Costume

We wore sheer white tunics of gossamer to mimic the effect of snow drifting in the wind, with dagged sleeves beaded in glass that hung down like icicles when we raised our trays in offering. Simple white dominos edged in silver, suitable for children, masked our faces, and we wore only a touch of carmine on the lips for colour. An apprentice ribbonnaire bound our hair, and did a very fine job, too, plaiting our locks with white ribbons to evoke a tumbling fall of snow.” ~ Kushiel’s Dart, Jacqueline Carey

The Longest Night Midwinter Masque is an evening of mystery and frivolity. Your House theme or individual costume can be as complex as those of Cereus House on Phédre’s first Masque and as simple as a doublet and breeches.  The beauty of a masquerade is that you may be whoever you wish.

As you create your ensemble, please keep these guiding principles in mind:

Have questions about your costume?  Email so we can address your query.

House Cereus looks forward to your gorgeous creation!

What Cereus House Means to Us

From the Dowayne, Aliksandria nό Cereus:

The motto “All Loveliness Fades” speaks to me. Cereus is a desert night blooming flower. All the cereus in the world bloom in the same night, once a year in mid to late May. They bloom after dusk and wilt before dawn. And that is so sadly beautiful to me.

I think that the fleeting nature of things makes them special. Our lives mean something because they are finite. When you know something won’t last forever, then you appreciate it more. You take it in, try to memorize the colors, smells, and sounds of the moment.

Everything ends, so revel in the majesty of it before it does.


From the Second, Petrea nό Cereus:

In Kushiel’s Dart, Cereus House is where Phédre’s story begins.  We are told that: “Of the Thirteen Houses, Night-Blooming Cereus is and has always been First.”

Jacqueline Carey’s description of the Dowayne of Cereus House in Kushiel’s Dart speaks to my heart. “In the general course of things, when beauty passes, the flower bows its head upon the stem and fails. Sometimes, though, when the petals droop, a framework of tempered steel is revealed within. Such a one was Miriam Bouscevre, the Dowayne of Cereus House.”

We see the theme of fragility leading to strength throughout Phédre’s travels.  Whenever Phédre seems at her weakest, when she is most vulnerable, when she seems about to fail – or even die – when her petals are about to droop and fall, her tempered steel framework reveals itself.

When we are at our weakest and most vulnerable, when we feel as though we are about to fail, when we have been traversing our own personal Skaldic winter, or been locked in our own hellish La Dolorosa, we find our mettle.  It is our time of frailty which reveals the tempered steel framework of Miriam Bouscevre, Dowayne of Cereus House.


Vendor Opportunity at The Longest Night Midwinter Masque!

January 5th – 6th, 2019 ~ 7 p.m. – 1 a.m. 

Hyatt Regency Fairfax, Commonwealth Ballroom

The Longest Night Midwinter Masque is a masquerade ball inspired by a winter solstice holiday tradition in Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Legacy trilogies. We are opening up the event to new vendors this year and hope you black lace maskcan join us.

The ambiance of the event is fantasy/Renaissance France. If your wares include masks, hats, jewelry, trinkets, fairy hair, face/body painting, period costuming, books, and kink-friendly merchandise, apply to be a vendor at the Third Annual Longest Night Midwinter Masque!

Kindly review the Vendor Application Form. It must be filled out, signed and submitted with your payment to be considered for this event. Both credit card and check payments are accepted. To submit credit card payment, please use our secure store portal on the website. Application deadline is November 30th, 2018.

If your application is accepted:

You are invited! with Jacqueline Carey

Join us for a weekend of merrymaking January 4th – 6th, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Fairfax for the Third Annual Longest Night Midwinter Masque and related festivities. Jacqueline Carey, New York Times bestselling author of the Kushiel’s Legacy Trilogies, and inspiration for our event, is returning as our esteemed Guest of Honor! You won’t want to miss a moment of fun.


Spread the word! And, most importantly, love as thou wilt.