Make Your Marque

The marque is the ubiquitous symbol of the Court of Night Blooming Flowers, marking the skin of those who serve Naamah much as she marked the skin of her own lovers.  Adepts bear the marques of their Houses with pride as these pieces of artwork develop on their bodies.  Blossoming from the base of the spine up to the flowers in the finial at the nape of the neck, the marque is a pleasing reminder of the holy work done by the members of the Night Court in service to Naamah.

Many readers of the Kushiel’s Legacy series have found themselves inspired by the adepts’ marque  – Phedré’s in particular – and have chosen to adorn themselves with tattoos of their own.  If you have a marque or other body art inspired by Jacqueline Carey’s novels, we encourage you to submit a photo for inclusion in an online gallery on our website.

Email a digital photo to along with your name and any special details you would like included.  Please include the name of your tattoo artist and/or person who designed your work so that we may give proper credit.