watercolor of hand reaching out to flowers in front of a doorway

Storyline: A Year in Review

Here is a review of everything that has happened this year in and around the City of Elua

  • Aliksandria nó Cereus, Dowayne of Cereus House, lights a candle to Eisheth and has a romantic evening with Waldemar nò Mandrake, her longtime lover.
  • Waldemar is involved in a carriage accident and passes away.
  • As all of the Night Court mourns the passing of the fallen Mandrake, Aliks visits the Yeshuite quarters to give the news to Waldemar’s mother, who is ashamed of her son.
  • News comes to Mont Nuit that King Gustav is to marry Lady Corrian de Borlean of Azzale.
  • Odilia nó Dahlia, Second of Dahlia House, and longtime lover of the king, leaves the City of Elua, retreating to the estate of Roland de Chalasse, Duc of L’Agnace. Roland proposes an advantageous, political marriage to her.
  • Philomena nó Heliotrope, Dowayne of Heliotrope House, wonders how the Night Court will handle the news of the king’s betrothal in light of his relationship with Odilia.
  • Rosanna Baphinol nó Valerian, Dowayne of Valerian House and granddaughter of Roland, visits her family’s country estate to discuss the state of the Duc’s proposal to her best friend. The family is stunned and unsupportive, viewing it as disrespectful to their grandmother, Roland’s late wife.
  • Gustav and Corrian are shocked that news of their nuptials was leaked to the Night Court. They write to Odilia, asking that she come to the palace to clear the air.
  • Odilia leaves Roland’s estate, much to his chagrin.
  • Gustav and Corrian ask Odilia to be their official Royal Consort and Royal Companion. Odilia does not give an answer, as she must consider Roland’s proposal. She says she will give an answer before the wedding.
  • Petrea nó Cereus, Second of Cereus House, suspects that Aliks may be with child. This is confirmed by an Eisandine chirurgeon.
  • Rosanna visits Roland, who asks her to convince the family to support his proposal to Odilia—who is her best friend—and help settle the gossip in the Night Court.
  • Mena ponders her duties as Dowayne, overcome with all of the responsibilities given the current situation.
  • The Dowaynes meet to discuss what is to be done about Odilia. Odilia informs them that she must leave her decision of which proposal to accept to the council. It is decided that she must choose the king. A subtle show of support is proposed.
  • Petrea writes a letter of support to Odilia
  • Two nobles enjoy a romantic night at Balm House.
  • Aliks tells her parents she is pregnant. They suggest that she could retire, and she balks at the suggestion.
  • The King of Terre de Ange marries Lady Corrian de Borean of Azzale and they publicly name Odilia as Royal Consort and Royal Companion.
  • The Court of Night Blooming Flowers celebrates the royal wedding long into the night.
  • Rosanna meets with Roland, and they discuss his plans for how to proceed now that Odilia has rejected his offer. In a strategic move, Roland invites Odilia to join him and Rosanna at the theater.
  • Gustav, Corrian, and Odilia negotiate Odilia’s contract as an adept of the Night Court. They make the decision that she is not to serve them exclusively in an attempt to be a conduit of information.
  • Corrian struggles with her duties as queen and looks to Odilia for help.
  • The City of Elua celebrates the harvest festival of Steward’s Eve in celebration of the Good Steward, the angel Anael.
  • Aliks’s baby is born, and she names him Patroclus.
  • Mena relates the story of a troubling patron to her Second, Loir.
  • Petrea tells Mena that she intends to retire from her position as Second of Cereus House after the Longest Night.
  • Aimée nó Cereus, unofficial Third of Cereus House, goes to the tailor to put together a stunning costume for the Longest Night.
  • Valerian House makes preparations for the Longest Night and discusses their preparations for Mara’s Eve, the special vigil that they celebrate in February.
  • Roland and Odilia make peace with their relationship and the path that it has taken.
  • Aliks and Petrea reminisce about their childhood at Cereus House and come to terms with their future together, and apart.