How is your character preparing for the upcoming Masque? Read our story and then send us the tale of your character’s impressions of the situations and how they are going about their business in the days and weeks leading up to the Masque.
Tell us about who you are and what you do. We’d love to meet you and hear your tale…
Tag: fantasy
Schedule of Weekend Events
We’re thrilled about all of the events coming up in just a few days! Here’s a complete rundown of the weekend, along with links to purchase tickets to those events you might still be interested in attending.
- Friday, January 3, 2020
- 8pm – 10pm: Soiree with the Dowaynes and Seconds – Cereus Salon/Presidential Suite (Room 1409)
- Saturday, January 4, 2020
- 9am – 12:30pm: Discussion Groups (purchase individually or in packages for a discount) – conference rooms
- 9am – 10am: Language in Terre d’Ange
- 10:15am – 11:15am: Divination
- 11:30am – 12:30pm: Sacred Sexuality
- 6pm: Dungeon Introduction (for all General Admission ticket holders who have checked in to the Masque) – Virginia suites
- 7pm – 1am: The Masque Ball -Commonwealth Ballroom
- 7:15pm: Processional of the Court of the Night Blooming Flowers
- Midnight: Enactment of the Marriage of the Winter Queen to the Sun Prince
- 8pm – midnight: Dungeon open for presale ticket holders – Virginia suites
- 9pm – midnight: Dungeon open for same day ticket holders – Virginia suites
- 9am – 12:30pm: Discussion Groups (purchase individually or in packages for a discount) – conference rooms
- Sunday, January 5, 2020
- 8am – noon: Brunch – Dominion room
We can’t wait to see you for the Masque weekend!
Same Day Dungeon Tickets for the Kink-Curious
If you’re curious about the dungeon, but not totally sure about it, don’t worry. This year, you can scope out the Dungeon and then decide to buy a ticket on the day of the Masque.
Our Dungeon Introduction will take place at 6pm on Saturday evening and is open to all ticket holders who have already checked in to the Masque. Same Day Dungeon Tickets are $25 and will give you access to the Dungeon 9pm – midnight. Holders of Presale Dungeon Tickets have access to the Dungeon 8pm – midnight. These Same Day tickets can only be purchased at Masque Check In and only after the end of the Dungeon Introduction.
So if the Kushiel’s Legacy is your first foray into the world of the “sharper pleasures,” check out our Dungeon, meet our DMs (Dungeon Monitors), and then decide if you want this limited access ticket.
If you have questions or concerns ahead of time, please feel free to email and our crack team of “dungeoneers” will be happy to help you out.
A poem for your beloved
“O, dear my lord…
Let this breast on which you have lent
As close in love as a foe in battle,”
~Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel’s Dart
These words, written by Anafiel Delaunay to his secret lover Prince Rolande de la Courcel, begin the poem “Antinous’ Ode to His Beloved.” The ode, once proscribed in Terre d’Ange, was later to be lauded and performed by the royal poet Thelesis de Mornay, shouted and whispered by besotted admirers to woo their beloved.
Now, it’s your turn – woo or declare your love with a special gift. Our own Eva nó Gentian will compose a unique poem for your beloved, to be presented to them in written or spoken form at the Longest Night Midwinter Masque*.
Choose from a two (2), four (4), or six (6) line verse, each with the following options:
- Recited for your beloved at the Longest Night Midwinter Masque, January 4, 2020 (specific time TBD)
- Written on beautiful 11″ x17″ high quality paper, suitable for display, presented to your beloved at the Longest Night Midwinter Masque, January 4, 2020
- Both recited and written
Prices are as follows:
- Two (2) lines
- Recited – $5
- Written – $10
- Both – $13
- Four (4) lines
- Recited – $10
- Written – $15
- Both – $23
- Six (6) lines
- Recited – $15
- Written – $20
- Both – $34
To purchase your poem, please email and specify your options. You will be provided with a payment link. Once your payment has been processed, the poet will begin composing your verse.
*Note: if you are not attending the Masque, we can arrange for shipping of a written poem to your home.
Dahlia’s Grand Château
On Mont Nuit, just south of Cereus House, is a grand château that serves as home to House Dahlia. With a motto of “Upright and Unbending,” adepts of this house exemplify the poise, dignity and commanding presence one would expect to find in the palace at the heart of D’Angeline politics. Sometimes accused of being haughty, Dahlia adepts instead are skilled at the games of courtship, the wildly contained flirtation, teasing, and bantering that drive D’Angeline love and ambition.
Dahlia, unlike any other house, is a crafted blend of many of the qualities of other houses. Dahlias can be as steely and delicate as Cereus house, as perfect and pristine as Camellia, as sensual and teasing as Jasmine or as competitive and calculating as Bryony. In Dahlia lore, Naamah bestowed herself as a Queen in her seduction of the King of Persis. Thus, Dahlia adepts project an air of aloof consideration and passionately cool action. Patrons pay for access to a nightly audience with House Dahlia, a chance to be chosen – some patrons are luckier with others and some come just to enjoy the atmosphere.
Upon entering through the stone and iron gates of the grounds, patrons are treated to the immaculate and sumptuous grounds, complete with hedge mazes, gardens, and fountains. Patrons are greeted by guards in royal blue livery and escorted into the heart of the house.
The hallways are lined with tasteful mosaics of Naamah and Eula’s companionship framed by the deep richness of velvet curtains. The grand hall, where the Dahlias gather each night to mingle with patrons, is decorated as finely as the palace in the City of Elua. And all Dahlias are in attendance at the nightly salon, from the little novices all the way up to the full adepts. Dahlia believes that in order to learn the elegance and poise required of the Kings and Queens of the Night Court, the novices must learn by example and watch the dance of the Dahlia salon.
Novices in Dahlia livery make the rounds with trays of refreshment, watching with eyes already haughty with the knowledge of their future marque as the adepts on their personal chairs entertain their personal courts. Living statues line the walls of the salon, the more mature novices close to graduating, painted gold and training themselves to be aloof and beautiful and untouchably desirable by decorating the salon with their own bodies. Each of their niches has a plinth on which they stand, the fluttering chiffon curtains hiding and teasing at their graceful limbs.
Candelabras with tall candles cast dancing light upon carefully placed mirrors that set the entire salon aglow. The rich jewel tones of the upholstery bathed in a golden light, imposing chairs of exquisitely carved dark wood seem gentler in the soft light, and the black and white checkered marble floor gleams in the central floor around which everything is arranged.
This checkered floor is the subject of one of Dahlia House’s most famous and scintillating seductions. After the dances have completed, stately pavanes and leaping galliards and risque lavoltas leaving the patrons breathless and the adepts enlivened, after the patrons have approached their chosen Dahlia with due reverence on bended knee, after the adepts have listened to the flattery and accepted gifts with cool smiles and haughty eyes, a Dahlia rises from her imposing chair. Her dark hair shines under the candlelight, her dark eyes glitter, and her low voice calls, “My dear Jocaste, I have been challenged to a game.”
The Dahlia Dowayne, a beautiful woman with striking streaks of silver through her hair, gestures to the checkered floor with one elegant hand, “Do us proud, my Second.”
Odilia nó Dahlia claps her hands and the statues come to life, arranging themselves upon the dance floor that has become a chess board with living pieces. Her patron, a look of hungry delight on his face, takes his place along his side of the board and the game begins.
The appeal of Dahlia is evident in the game. She sits her throne, commanding her pieces, watching her opponent for any moment of weakness. And he, caught in the Dahlia’s gaze, thrills at her attention, at the thought that perhaps he could be her equal for the night. As the game progresses, she rises, pacing her side of the board as the adept falls away and the politician and strategist comes to the forefront. Her skirts whisper on the marble floor, a predatory gleam in her eye and her patron calls for a drink to slake his thirst. And when she finally makes her way to where he sits, he is frozen as she approaches. She makes her last move and murmurs, low and proud, “Checkmate.” And he kneels.
Visitors to House Dahlia understand that adepts set their own terms, their own price, with the approval of the Dowayne. Patrons play the games of flattery, seduction, and intrigue to gain entry to the bedchamber of a Dahlia adept. Patrons pledge themselves to their chosen adept forming their own little courts. The horologist’s voice marks the hours and the arrival of guests and patrons. Each adept takes turns commanding the events of the Great Hall through the evening, with the stunning and sly Second taking control over the twilight and the Dowayne commanding through the midnight as adepts and patrons retire back to their private salons.
Dahlia adepts respond to talent, wit, and boldness in all its forms but are quick to see through arrogance and deception. And each fancies something different. As an adept, our Dowyane always showed a preference for poets over financiers, yet her Dowyane would only ever choose older, silver-haired courtiers. Thus, Patrons want to stand out, to be noticed and admired in order to gain the attention and the most private of audiences with their chosen. Games of skill and chance often make their way through the little courts as the night progresses, some more daring than others. An adept chooses their patron for the night in their own time, commanding their own terms, inviting them behind the curtains into their private bed chambers.
From there the service is as varied as the patrons’ desires. Yes, many who come to Dahlia derive their pleasure from serving – and thus Dahlia’s learn how to receive as well as give. Touches of Mandrake and Valerian sometimes also make up the delicate balance of fortitude and grace that is a Dahlia. Likewise, some patrons come to play at nobility, to dabble in the court politics that their everyday rank denies them. And then there are those who come to conquer, to break through the walls and partake of what wonders await on the other side.
Though it is true that most patrons will never witness a Dahlia’s true face, most patrons walk away with a deeper experience of pride.. Trained to the service of Naamah at such a young age, Dahlias learn how to hide their true selves, just as the scions of Elua must. Dahlias aspire to be the crown jewel of Namaah’s arts, to only show the facets and shine that can enchant, divert and command. Adaptable and yet implacable, Dahlias always find a way to get what they want, whether it be the fat jewels in a patron’s purse or an invitation to palace fetes, the more rare patron gifts.
And yet the gift the patron receives, as reflected in the many facets of House Dahlia, is one of the more precious gifts Naamah’s servants can offer: confidence and pride in one’s own inherent desirability and worth.
The Joy of Laughter at Orchis House
“Take your happiness where you find it, children, and don’t ask too many questions. Life is too short and uncertain to do otherwise.” – Deccus Fulvius, Kushiel’s Scion
In Terre d’Ange, the highest commandment is to “Love as Thou Wilt”. Of course, this can be interpreted in many ways. Some of us love friends and family, in the everyday mundane tasks that such an endeavor requires. Some of us love money and all the privileges that brings us. We can love and strive for justice, knowledge, the healing of others, the beauty of art, timeless perfection, pride, strength, or desire. There is no requirement to love only one or even only of few of these attributes. Of all of the loves, we at House Orchis remind that there is one that we often neglect, love of ourselves. I contend that joy and laughter is no less than to do anything for the love of ourselves.
We at Orchis think the best time for joy and laughter is at this moment and for every moment. We laugh through failures and successes alike. We laugh through joys and sorrows. We find joy in meetings and in partings. We can dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening and enjoy it all the while. We can love ourselves exactly as we are. We can find the fun in all facets of life. It is restorative to the soul.
On the Longest Night, may we find joy and laugh in the company of each other. Joie to you on the Longest Night!
The Poetry of Mandrake House
Catching my stare from across the room
You shudder in anticipation
Breath heavy, heartbeat rapid
You know what you’re in for
Drinking in every inch of you
I stare, lascivious and rapt
Pulse quickens, mind calculating
I know what you’re in for
Wrists up, eyes averted
You instinctively kneel before me
Ready to serve
I accept
Wrists cuffed, neck collared
I bind you to my servitude
Ready to command
You accept
Whips and floggers flick and arouse
Leaving red kisses on your bare skin
I hold the secrets of their power
Will it be pleasure or discipline?
My leather rustles, your chains shine
Yield, obey, for now you’re mine
A shadow whispers beyond
The blindfold stretches taut
Across a forbidden gaze
Commanding hands brush over
Blueblack bruises blossoming
upon yearning skin
Silhouettes of desire dance
across flagellated flesh, framed
By flushed cheeks and parted lips
Scarlet motes we hold dear
Modesty has no home here
Feeling adrift or seeking renewal?
Surrender to Mandrake House
For “Love is hard, harder than
steel and thrice as cruel”
Sounds of Pleasures at Valerian House

A Visit to Gentian House
Within Gentian is a place of mystery, sensuality, and peace. Our adepts will sooth your worries and bring rest to a troubled mind. The scent of incense wafts through our halls, and at the center of our house lies a pool for bathing, warm and perfumed. Entering Gentian is to step into a place between dreams and waking, where anything may happen, and where hidden things may be revealed.
Incense is usually burning, filling the rooms with sweet, earthy smells. Our house is full of corners for quiet reflection, but in the open areas low, soft melodies can be heard. Our motto, “Truth and Vision” is present in the many books that line our walls, the divination practiced as a sacred art, and the visions we encourage.
Gentian unites the spiritual and the sexual. Sexual ecstasy is a magic all its own, and patrons of Gentian house will find themselves enchanted. Gentian adepts provide non-judgmental guidance, mystical experiences, and connection with the parts of ourselves revealed only by dreams. If your sleep is disrupted by insomnia, if fears and anxieties plague your waking hours, you may find solace within our rooms.
Betting on Love at Bryony House
When you enter Bryony House, you leave behind the monotony of a normal life and enter a world of chance and pleasure. Our patrons are varied across all types; we turn none away who can afford a seat at our table. We recognize that all pleasure has a cost. At Bryony, we want to make the most of this, by striking a good deal and providing amazing pleasure.
Our motto states that Wealth Seeks Company. This speaks to our values on many different levels. It’s true that Bryony adepts are good with coin. They are good at earning coin, at spotting the best investment for their coin, at negotiating beneficial loans to share their coin, and also at spending their coin. Despite what it might appear on the surface though, Bryony does not adhere to the blind accumulation of wealth. Wealth alone does not satisfy; company is required to experience true pleasure. That is why Bryony adepts might drive a hard bargain but their true goal is always to share their pleasure with their patrons.
The Bryony Hall of Games is the focal point of our Night Court experience. If you have been a guest of the Royal Palace, you will likely notice some similarities. At Bryony, our patrons are treated like royalty; we serve only the finest foods, sleep on the finest bedding and offer the most interesting of adepts. That’s not to say that we cater to your every whim; we are not the house of blind subservience. Favours from a Bryony adept must be negotiated first and they may be won or lost. We are the only house who will happily gamble for our pleasure.
Many Houses in the Court of Night-Blooming Flowers treat their patrons with the utmost secrecy. This is a valued service of the Night Court but you will find that Bryony has a different atmosphere. In the Hall of Games, our patrons gather together openly. They play at card games and dice games, games of chance and games of skill. Many partnerships and business deals have been made in the history of Bryony House, not only in matters of pleasure.
Often the servants of Naamah in the Night Court feel that Naamah’s fulfillment of pleasure lies solely in the bedchamber. While the pleasures of the bedchamber are often wondrous, Bryony adepts value the pleasure that comes before as well; the pleasure of making a great deal. Likewise, many of our patrons find the most pleasure in the unknown, in taking the chance of the gamble. Games of chance have always invigorated the pleasure centers of the brain. At Bryony, we aim to provide pleasure to all aspects of the body… if you can negotiate the right price.
The roll of a dice can change your fortune. A lucky hand could make all your desires come to life. If you are up for a challenge, visit Bryony House for all your pleasure.
~ Arietta de Millazza nó Bryony