The Quiet, Private Love of House Alyssum

Alyssum is the house of modesty, a surprising trait in a society that doesn’t shame love. But for some love is quiet, private. We value the quiet intimacy of love and we honor Naamah in keeping that privacy. “Love as thou wilt,” means that we make room for all types of people and love is not only the bold and brash lover singing their heart out to the person of their affection. It’s also seen the rose blushes on cheeks and the whisper of veils and the soft sound of lovers in the dark. Alyssum doesn’t shout it’s joys from the rooftops rather cherishes them in their hearts. In Alyssum house we were taught that when Naamah went to the King of Persis, whom she lay with to secure Blessed Elua’s freedom, that she trembled to lay aside her modesty. alyssum flowerTo offer something so personal is no easy task and because of it, her sacrifice on Elua’s behalf is honored in our efforts to mimic and value that modesty. Just as the other houses offer her worship through their choices so do we in our own way.

Some see shame in modesty. Shame of our bodies that we try to hide them, shame of sex and sexuality that we whisper our desires. But modesty does not need to be derived from a sense that something is wrong so much that something is valuable. We view our bodies and the things we do with them as special in much the same way that all of Terre d’Ange does. However we view them as gifts that are reserved for the right time and place and person, shyly shared and privately enjoyed. Closed doors and covered bodies do not ruin the joy in the experience. We want our lovers to come away from the encounter just as fulfilled and pleased as others.

Those who choose to visit Alyssum house come seeking these treasures like a gift wrapped in silk and bows. Some choose to keep their encounters and tastes and loves to themselves not for shame of them but because it is something personal for them. Privacy is something to be respected as much as any other aspect of consent. Some enjoy the blushes and embarrassment of the modest exposed. They come to admire and love those with shy smiles and averted eyes. Finding the erotic teasing of skin hidden behind veils and desires revealed in whispered confessions is an allure for others. Alyssum offers muffled giggles and quiet sighs that do not need to be shared with anyone else. There is beauty in the shared private intimacy that is different than the love that is spoken of freely. Different but no less or more valuable.


~Cyrille nó Alyssum


Who would you be?

black lace mask and candleWe all have our favorite characters and favorite moments in the Kushiel’s Legacy series.  If you had the chance to magically become a character in the series to live through a certain time in one of the books, who would you be and what “adventure” would you experience?

Would you be a young Phédre – or Alcuin – studying in Delaunay’s household?  Perhaps you’d want to experience that fateful night in the Skaldi cave as Joscelin?  Maybe you’d be happiest as Hyacinthe, running his business on Night’s Doorstep.

Tell us all about it in the comments section!