Sounds of Pleasures at Valerian House

As the diviners of the Masque, Gentian House is pleased to announce that it is offering you the opportunity to purchase personal astrology charts. Astrology charts go well beyond a typical newspaper horoscope (which tend to focus only on sun signs) and delve into elements such as values, potential, and desires, and include the influences of planets and luminaries on your life.
All charts are hand drawn and personally interpreted by the Gentian House Dowayne, based on her years of experience with divination and astrology. These are not computer generated algorithms or website downloads. Star Charts are hand drawn and interpretations hand written.
Choose from one or more of these charts:
Star Charts ($50-75): A hand drawn star chart that calls out the placement of signs, houses, and planets at your time of birth (or other event). The interpretation version comes complete with a discussion of the influences of these different elements on your life.
Along with the hand drawn birth chart, you may also order one of two options for interpretation. While the birth chart will display the positions of constellations, planets, and houses and call out significant placements such as sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign, the interpretations takes this further. The first option (Option 1) focuses on the day of your birth. This option will discuss the relationships between planets, constellations, and luminaries, and give an overview of what they mean for you. The second interpretation (Option 2) is a deeper exploration of the way these energies manifest in your life through their position at the time of your birth. This interpretation is a story of your birth as told by the heavens.
Prices for Star Charts:
NEW! Lilith Black Moon Chart ($30): Similar to a birth chart, the Lilith Black Moon chart focuses exclusively on the hidden desires the Black Moon Lilith reveals for you. This chart includes the influence of aspects between Black Moon Lilith and the planets, as well as her placement in your house and zodiac. Do you wish to know what the stars have to say about your most secret dreams and desires? This is a unique type of chart, created and interpreted exclusively by the Dowayne of Gentian.
Star charts can show the energies at work at any given moment, and charts can be created for a wedding, graduation, or other landmark event. If you choose to have a chart made for an event that is not a birth, please indicate so on your order.
To order, please email gentian@thelongestnightmasque.com. The Dowayne will provide you information necessary to process payment for your chart(s).
When you order, please include the following information for the person receiving the chart:
Please feel free to email the Dowayne at the above address with any questions you may have.
Please note: time and place are required for the second interpretation (Option 2), but are recommended for all orders as they allow for calculation of the rising sign and house placements. Leaving out this information will result in a less detailed and thus, less insightful, chart.
Within Gentian is a place of mystery, sensuality, and peace. Our adepts will sooth your worries and bring rest to a troubled mind. The scent of incense wafts through our halls, and at the center of our house lies a pool for bathing, warm and perfumed. Entering Gentian is to step into a place between dreams and waking, where anything may happen, and where hidden things may be revealed.
Incense is usually burning, filling the rooms with sweet, earthy smells. Our house is full of corners for quiet reflection, but in the open areas low, soft melodies can be heard. Our motto, “Truth and Vision” is present in the many books that line our walls, the divination practiced as a sacred art, and the visions we encourage.
Gentian unites the spiritual and the sexual. Sexual ecstasy is a magic all its own, and patrons of Gentian house will find themselves enchanted. Gentian adepts provide non-judgmental guidance, mystical experiences, and connection with the parts of ourselves revealed only by dreams. If your sleep is disrupted by insomnia, if fears and anxieties plague your waking hours, you may find solace within our rooms.
Do the clothes make the man, or does the man make the clothes?
It’s an age old question, the answer to which may never truly be found – and honestly, do we really care? While the sages ponder, we have something that you will care about: 2020 Longest Night Midwinter Masque t-shirts!
Shirts are available in white or grey, sizes S-4XL & XL Tall – 3XL Tall.
So while the sages debate and you work on your fabulous costume, throw on your 2020 Masque t-shirt! You’re sure to be the most fashionable of your friends.
Don’t forget that all proceeds from the Masque go to benefit the Fairfax County Public Libraries.
When you enter Bryony House, you leave behind the monotony of a normal life and enter a world of chance and pleasure. Our patrons are varied across all types; we turn none away who can afford a seat at our table. We recognize that all pleasure has a cost. At Bryony, we want to make the most of this, by striking a good deal and providing amazing pleasure.
Our motto states that Wealth Seeks Company. This speaks to our values on many different levels. It’s true that Bryony adepts are good with coin. They are good at earning coin, at spotting the best investment for their coin, at negotiating beneficial loans to share their coin, and also at spending their coin. Despite what it might appear on the surface though, Bryony does not adhere to the blind accumulation of wealth. Wealth alone does not satisfy; company is required to experience true pleasure. That is why Bryony adepts might drive a hard bargain but their true goal is always to share their pleasure with their patrons.
The Bryony Hall of Games is the focal point of our Night Court experience. If you have been a guest of the Royal Palace, you will likely notice some similarities. At Bryony, our patrons are treated like royalty; we serve only the finest foods, sleep on the finest bedding and offer the most interesting of adepts. That’s not to say that we cater to your every whim; we are not the house of blind subservience. Favours from a Bryony adept must be negotiated first and they may be won or lost. We are the only house who will happily gamble for our pleasure.
Many Houses in the Court of Night-Blooming Flowers treat their patrons with the utmost secrecy. This is a valued service of the Night Court but you will find that Bryony has a different atmosphere. In the Hall of Games, our patrons gather together openly. They play at card games and dice games, games of chance and games of skill. Many partnerships and business deals have been made in the history of Bryony House, not only in matters of pleasure.
Often the servants of Naamah in the Night Court feel that Naamah’s fulfillment of pleasure lies solely in the bedchamber. While the pleasures of the bedchamber are often wondrous, Bryony adepts value the pleasure that comes before as well; the pleasure of making a great deal. Likewise, many of our patrons find the most pleasure in the unknown, in taking the chance of the gamble. Games of chance have always invigorated the pleasure centers of the brain. At Bryony, we aim to provide pleasure to all aspects of the body… if you can negotiate the right price.
The roll of a dice can change your fortune. A lucky hand could make all your desires come to life. If you are up for a challenge, visit Bryony House for all your pleasure.
~ Arietta de Millazza nó Bryony
Don’t miss out on our super duper special Masque room rate at the Hyatt.
To reserve your room at the special discount rate, use this link
Not into the whole “booking online” thing or just prefer to talk to an actual person? Have no fear! You can also call the Hyatt reservations office at 877-803-7534. Just make sure that you mention either “Longest Night Midwinter Masque” or “MASQ” to receive our special group rate.
Want to check out the hotel before you book? Visit the Hyatt Regency Fairfax’s website.
Alyssum is the house of modesty, a surprising trait in a society that doesn’t shame love. But for some love is quiet, private. We value the quiet intimacy of love and we honor Naamah in keeping that privacy. “Love as thou wilt,” means that we make room for all types of people and love is not only the bold and brash lover singing their heart out to the person of their affection. It’s also seen the rose blushes on cheeks and the whisper of veils and the soft sound of lovers in the dark. Alyssum doesn’t shout it’s joys from the rooftops rather cherishes them in their hearts. In Alyssum house we were taught that when Naamah went to the King of Persis, whom she lay with to secure Blessed Elua’s freedom, that she trembled to lay aside her modesty. To offer something so personal is no easy task and because of it, her sacrifice on Elua’s behalf is honored in our efforts to mimic and value that modesty. Just as the other houses offer her worship through their choices so do we in our own way.
Some see shame in modesty. Shame of our bodies that we try to hide them, shame of sex and sexuality that we whisper our desires. But modesty does not need to be derived from a sense that something is wrong so much that something is valuable. We view our bodies and the things we do with them as special in much the same way that all of Terre d’Ange does. However we view them as gifts that are reserved for the right time and place and person, shyly shared and privately enjoyed. Closed doors and covered bodies do not ruin the joy in the experience. We want our lovers to come away from the encounter just as fulfilled and pleased as others.
Those who choose to visit Alyssum house come seeking these treasures like a gift wrapped in silk and bows. Some choose to keep their encounters and tastes and loves to themselves not for shame of them but because it is something personal for them. Privacy is something to be respected as much as any other aspect of consent. Some enjoy the blushes and embarrassment of the modest exposed. They come to admire and love those with shy smiles and averted eyes. Finding the erotic teasing of skin hidden behind veils and desires revealed in whispered confessions is an allure for others. Alyssum offers muffled giggles and quiet sighs that do not need to be shared with anyone else. There is beauty in the shared private intimacy that is different than the love that is spoken of freely. Different but no less or more valuable.
~Cyrille nó Alyssum
The Longest Night Midwinter Masque is looking for volunteer crafters to join us in our fundraising efforts for the Fairfax County Public Libraries. D’Angelines have amazing and special talents and we would love to utilize your gifts to create unique items for sale.
Some of the projects you’ll be hearing about in the coming months include personalized birth charts, handmade Terre d’Ange soaps and essential oil blends, and 2020 Midwinter Masque logo apparel.
Whatever your craft, we want to hear from you! Send a short proposal to fundraising@thelongestnightmasque.com with your ideas. Have a talent you would like to share but don’t have something specific in mind? We are happy to work with you to develop your own unique project!
Love as thou wilt,
Arietta de Millazza nó Bryony
Fundraising Coordinator
Libraries are valuable resources in our communities and it’s important that we support them. After all, without libraries, how would Phédre ever have solved the mystery of the Master of the Straits and saved her dearest friend? Plus, isn’t this event based on a series of nine books (if you follow Phédre, Imriel, and Moirin – which you should – through all of their adventures)?
So, it is in this spirit that the 2020 Masque will be raising funds for the Fairfax County Public Library system. The FCPL consists of 23 branches – 8 regional branches, 14 community branches, and a branch dedicated to serving customers who have special accessibility requirements – serving the over 1 million residents of Fairfax County “through programming, community spaces, technologies, and collections of educational and recreational resources.”
Proceeds from ticket sales will go directly to the libraries and, in the coming weeks and months, you will be hearing from the Dowayne of Bryony House about some exciting fundraisers.
If you would like to make a personal donation to the libraries, you can do so by clicking the Donate Now button on the Fairfax Library Foundation homepage. You can add “Longest Night Midwinter Masque” in the notes if you wish. Select “FCPL” as your home library.
We all have our favorite characters and favorite moments in the Kushiel’s Legacy series. If you had the chance to magically become a character in the series to live through a certain time in one of the books, who would you be and what “adventure” would you experience?
Would you be a young Phédre – or Alcuin – studying in Delaunay’s household? Perhaps you’d want to experience that fateful night in the Skaldi cave as Joscelin? Maybe you’d be happiest as Hyacinthe, running his business on Night’s Doorstep.
Tell us all about it in the comments section!