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PETREA NO CEREUS and MARCO DECIMUS, her lover, lie in bed in her private chambers after an intimate evening.
I wish your time in the city were not so short. Your visits come far too rarely for my tastes. You scholars – how you do wander. It’s a wonder you visit me at all, what with you jaunting from one end of the world to the other.
You know that I always make my way to you, no matter where my travels take me, dearest.
How go your plans for the Midwinter Masque? I know from your letters that Aliksandria tasked you with the preparations.
You have concerns of the ball? Or is it this scandal you have written about that troubles you?
Oh the ball, itself, will be spectacular. But I fear there shall be no joy for me on the Longest Night. You know the City of Elua loves nothing more than a scandal. And I hate nothing more than a scandal – so tiresome.
The gossiping grows worse by the day. One can no longer avoid the rumor mongering. There is even a whisper that I am humiliated by the thought of another Second being chosen over me – when nothing could be further from the truth. It has gone too far. The foolish stories are on the lips of every person in every shop on every corner throughout the city, not to mention in every chamber of every House here on Mont Nuit.
There is literally no one I do not hate right now.
(laughs, then his voice turns serious)
You seem less and less content each time I see you. And this..this seems too much for you.
He pauses briefly as if something has occurred to him.
Would you ever consider leaving the Night Court?
You mean retire? It is not…it is not done.
One does not retire for the simple fact that one is unhappy in one’s place and dislikes courtly gossip.
No, no, of course not. But there are other reasons for leaving. Marriage, for example. Others who have made their marque have married and left the Night Court. Left the City. Left Terre d’Ange, even.
(thinking out loud)
Marriage? Well, yes, that does happen. But who would I marry? I have dear friends, it is true, but not any who would agree to a marriage of convenience and certainly not any whom are not entangled in..oh.
She pauses as his meaning dawns on her
She is silent for a moment, realizing what he is suggesting.
Are…are you proposing marriage?
I am.
But surely you wish to marry for love, and not simply to take pity on an unhappy woman.
I do wish to marry for love. And I would be.
I love you. I love you more than any words in the world can express. Why do you think I come back to you time and again?
I thought you enjoyed my company. That I was a stop along your way back to Tiberium from…wherever it is you go.
Well there is that, but you are so much more to me than that. Marry me. Come to Tiberium with me. I have a home there. Perhaps not quite as lavish as Cereus House…
(his words coming faster)
..but it is comfortable. Let me take you away from here. Away from this life that you do not love. We could travel if you like. Let me show you the world. There is so much more than what you have seen and experienced here in the City. Or not. We don’t have to travel. We can stay in Tiberium. We can have children if you like. Or not. You can study at the university if you like. Or not, if you do not wish. It matters not.
(more gently)
All that matters is that you come home to me at the end of each day. Whatever you want, I will give you.
You can return as often as you like. Whenever you like. I know that there are people here that you love and could not bear to be separated from forever. I know that this is your favorite time of year, and I promise that we’ll always arrange any travels so that you’re here at Cereus House for the Midwinter Masque. What do you think?