Several days after the Masque, Aliksandria, Dowayne of Cereus House and her Second, Petrea, met to discuss a marriage proposal Petrea has received from a long time patron. The proposal was sudden and unexpected and Petrea is giving serious consideration to accepting, and leaving the Night Court.
“I don’t understand,” said Aliksandria. She and Petrea were sitting in her private chambers, drinking wine, and having the long awaited and uncomfortable discussion. “Is it children you want?”
“Of course not,” said Petrea, scoffing at the assumption.
“Because if it is, you needn’t leave the Night Court over it. You know that both my parents were working adepts when I was born, and for many years thereafter.”
“I am not leaving to have children, Aliks,” the Second said quietly.
“Then why? Do you have any idea what the life of a Tiberian matron is like? You know what threats came to Odilia after the Masque! And that was here, in Terre d’Ange, where Naamah’s service is a divine calling, entered into as a sacred trust. What do you imagine it will be like in Tiberium where you are not a revered servant of Naamah, but a whore?” Aliks snapped.
“You needn’t shock me with such language,” said Petrea sharply.
“Really? You don’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation, or at the very least you fail to explain it to me.” Aliks looked pointedly at her friend
“I’m simply tired of it all,” Petrea said sadly.
“Tired of what? Our life? This was our dream, yours and mine. Whispered to each other in the small hours of the night as children in these halls. To one day rise to be the premier courtesans, and run Cereus House, together. Don’t you remember, Petrea?” Aliks pleaded, taking her friend’s hand.
“Was it our dream, or you dream for us? I don’t know anymore. All I have ever known is the Night Court, and I grow weary of gossip, and fetes, and frivolity,” Petrea said with frustration, standing to pace the room.
“Is that truly all you think Mont Nuit is? Frivolous ornaments good for nothing but to share the exploits of others?” Aliks was aghast.
“No, no, of course not, but you know of my weariness. Besides, it is likely Odilia is to become the consort of the Dauphin! It is the same thing, except that I cannot be Marco’s consort and he does not live in the City! Both Odilia and I are following our hearts, our love! She dealt with her threats and I will deal with mine!” the Second said, her voice rising with vehemence.
The Dowayne shook her head. “Oh Petrea, your situations are so different. It is as if you were to compare the moon to an apple and say they are identical because they both look round. You are seeing only with your heart and not with your head, love.”
Petrea sat down on the chaise next to Aliks. “But I do love Marco and clearly he loves me. He did propose marriage.”
“Well of course he did! You are beautiful, kind, intelligent, and quite skilled in Naamah’s arts. You don’t actually expect me to believe this is the first time a patron has proposed to you after an assignation. Blessed, Elua, I’ve lost count of the proposals i’ve received over the years.”
“No, it isn’t, but I’ll not pretend disinterest in this particular offer. This is not an easy decision and I don’t make it without careful thought and consideration. I would hope that you know me well enough to understand that.”
“Well of course it isn’t easy. If it were, we would not be sitting here, having this difficult discussion. You either would have left with him immediately after the Masque, a ring on your finger; or we would be sitting here, drinking this wine, laughing about yet another proposal from a besotted patron!”
Aliks paused, turning thoughtful. “When does Lord Marco return? In a fortnight?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact,” Petrea replied with surprise.
“Oh don’t look so shocked.” Aliks smiled. “As important as he is to you, I make it my business to keep tabs on his schedule and ensure that you have ample time with him when he is in the City. And after he leaves, how long will he be gone then?”
Petrea thought for a moment. “He is bound first for Alba. After that, I know not his route, though I would presume he will return to Tiberium at some point. He’ll like as return to the City six to eight months hence. Perhaps longer?”
“Then I propose this: go with him. Go and see a world outside of Terre d’Ange. Why, you have never been farther than your parents estate in Namarre. Go see this great life he is promising you. You know what a life in the Night Court is like; see the alternative.”
“I can do that? just leave for half a year or more?”
“Why not, who is to stop you? Your Dowayne? I warn you, Petrea, the world is not kind to courtesans and you would be best to consider…” Aliks toyed with a phrase, “…calling your relationship with Lord Marco something other than it present.”
Petrea thought a moment as Aliks’s words sunk in. Aliks was speaking to her not just as a friend, but also as her Dowayne. The notion of not only traveling with Marco, but telling strangers that she was his wife? Would that affect her ability to make a decision?
Aliks continued, all business. “Now for guild purposes, we will write it up as an extended assignation, so you retain guild privileges and protections. Your marque is made, and your fees are yours to dictate between you and Lord Marco. When you return you may either tithe a portion to the house, or keep it as a dowry with my blessing.”
Petrea weighed the offer carefully, then smiled and agreed, hugging her friend. She had been dreading this conversation; had still been unsure of her decision. This was a beautiful compromise.
“This is perfect. Brilliant even. I knew there was a reason I love you so much.”
She dropped a kiss on her laughing friend’s brow and hurried back to her apartments to write a letter to Lord Marco and prepare for the voyage.